Saturday, October 28, 2017

Little Convos


"Hey, honey!"
"It seems like I haven't seen you in a while"

"You did so good, I'm proud of you"
"Not good enough"

"You glowin, right there in my front seat.. LIKE THAT"
"Thanks Mrs. Hotspot"

"Do you want a shot??"
"Nah, I'm good. I have to be up at 5:15"

"Bring it!!"


*Throws phone on ground*
"Why do you keep doing that"

"Girl, look"
"Your first time with him.. Ooouuu"

"Yea, he just dances to his own music when no one else will"
"Oh, Lord.. But, girl it does look like he catches the Holy Ghost"

 There is no excuses for small talk. Take the time to listen to your friends and family. They may drop some knowledge you don't know about.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Summer of 2017

     The summer of 2017 was been somewhat amazing for me.. Lately things have been terrible but I've found peace through God and my beautiful friends. The relationships I've made this past year will probably ( no definitely) last for a life time. I've learned not be so angry with the world and the people in it. I've somewhat learned to cope with situations out of my reach. My life may not be perfect but its damn well livable.
     I could say some things about world need to be changed such as people being ugly to each other.. Yeah, we all want "WORLD PEACE" but things like that don't just happen out of nowhere.. Believe me people the world won't heal until we do. I may not have made some valid points, so I'll just list some shits.

1. Get rid of all "minorities"
2. Cheaper gas bitch
3. More gardens
4. Less hatred towards people who are different (including yourself)
5. Love yourself and the ones around you
6. Journal


Sunday, January 1, 2017

My New Years Resolutions

This is my first post of 2017. I hope this year will be filled with joy and happiness.
This year I only have a few New Years Resolutions.

Not really, resolutions but goals for the year of 2017.

  1. Save money for my breast reduction.
  2. Take better care of my hair.
  3. Get mani pedis once a month.
  4. Get better at doing my makeup
  5. I don't have any eyelashes. Make them grow longer.
  6. Get braces.
  7. Play Archie more often.
  8. Start at Northshore Tech
  9. Get better at playing piano.
  10. Be in a better state of mind.
  11. Fall in love.    
  12. Save money for a car and acting classes. 
  13. Love myself for the way I am.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Things to Get Used To

Do you ever feel so lonely to feel like you don't have any friends??
Idk if it's just me, who get in their feelings when "Daddy" doesn't text back..
I get in my feelings when all my friends don't text me back..
I've always felt that I'm annoying ppl so I tend to stay to myself
I worry that they talk about me behind my back, which  know that are
but then you snap to reality and listen to what they say when you're not around
You go to work the next day and they say
"Hey Shateria, we really missed you. We always talk about how funny and pretty you are!"
And little things like that really do brighten up your day.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Just Something To Think About

Why can't we fall in love like people used to in the medieval ages. People could see each other once and lust, love, and die for that person. Now-a-days men and women have affairs because they get bored with their current spouse. The spark they once had is now gone and will never return. But somehow in modern days people find ways to find lost love.
   In Middle Ages when kings and the queens had ladies-in-waiting. The ladies-in-waiting were supposed to be loyal to their queen. But when the king wanted something from the ladies-in-waiting that their queens couldn't give them. A son. Although it was the King's fault because he was the one who determined the sex of the baby. But while true love waits, lust is always in a hurry. If we focused on the appearance of someone's heart, we wouldn't be able to love their souls as well.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Hey you guys!! I'll be giving an update probably next week!! But here's a poem to bless your day!!

Words by whom??
The homeless
The irrelevant
The lonely
Words spoken by the ones who we did not know existed
Words spoken of children whom we don't pay attention
Big hearts, small words, little thoughts, grand gestures
We do what we please with these words
Hurt, love, believe, see, ignore
Leave the lonely
Die cold of not hearing the words of a lover
She is alone and he is dead
Whisper to the ears of the dead
Shout to the minds of the living
What words aren't enough to be used

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Medieval Is Better

    Why can't we fall in love like people used to in the medieval ages. People could see each other once and lust, love, and die for that person. Now-a-days men and women have affairs because they get bored with their current spouse. The spark they once had is now gone and will never return. But somehow in modern days people find ways to find lost love.
   In Middle Ages when kings and the queens had ladies-in-waiting. The ladies-in-waiting were supposed to be loyal to their queen. But when the king wanted something from the ladies-in-waiting that their queens couldn't give them. A son. Although it was the King's fault because he was the one who determined the sex of the baby. But while true love waits, lust is always in a hurry. If we focused on the appearance of someone's heart, we wouldn't be able to love their souls as well.