Sunday, January 1, 2017

My New Years Resolutions

This is my first post of 2017. I hope this year will be filled with joy and happiness.
This year I only have a few New Years Resolutions.

Not really, resolutions but goals for the year of 2017.

  1. Save money for my breast reduction.
  2. Take better care of my hair.
  3. Get mani pedis once a month.
  4. Get better at doing my makeup
  5. I don't have any eyelashes. Make them grow longer.
  6. Get braces.
  7. Play Archie more often.
  8. Start at Northshore Tech
  9. Get better at playing piano.
  10. Be in a better state of mind.
  11. Fall in love.    
  12. Save money for a car and acting classes. 
  13. Love myself for the way I am.